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Coronavirus and the 2020 Census: Where Should College Students Be Counted?

(2020) Census operations are changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. Census Bureau announced on June 18, 2020, that it is reaching out to colleges and universities with significant off-campus student populations to help ensure they are counted in the right place in the 2020 Census.

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The Baltics: Demographic Challenges and Independence

(2000) Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania are in the midst of a transition to independence after nearly 50 years of domination by the Soviet Union. Some of the first laws passed by the newly independent governments placed strict limits on who could become a citizen and actively promoted use of the native languages.

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Premature Births Help Explain Higher U.S. Infant Mortality Rate

(2009) The United States—one of the world's wealthiest countries—consistently has higher infant mortality rates than most other developed countries. In 2005, 29 countries had lower rates, including Cuba and Poland.

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Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

Unequal Health Care Access and Quality Contribute to U.S. Racial Health Disparities Among Older Adults

Older Black adults are less likely than their white peers to have private insurance and more likely to rely on Medicaid or Medicare as their only health insurance.

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La conduite sexuelle et l’utilisation de contraceptifs parmi les jeunes en Afrique de l’Ouest

(2009) De par le monde, les jeunes – surtout les jeunes femmes – connaissent un fort taux de VIH et de grossesse non désirée à cause de leurs connaissances limitées concernant la santé sexuelle et reproductive.

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Path to Prosperity: Empower, Educate, and Employ Youth to Realize the Demographic Dividend

Investments in young people are crucial to achieving a demographic dividend. The demographic dividend provides a framework for promoting investments in youth as fertility declines and population age structure changes. Sustained investments in voluntary family planning, health, education, and job growth can help to guide a country towards a demographic dividend.

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