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World Population Highlights 2007: Urbanization

(September 2007) The world is on the verge of a shift: from predominantly rural to mainly urban.

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Déchiffrer la démographie du Myanmar

(2014) Le Myanmar (appelé la Birmanie jusqu’en mai 1989) revient dans l’actualité, en particulier parce qu’il a récemment fait des progrès notables pour parvenir à un régime plus démocratique.

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The Changing Demography of U.S. Flight Attendants

(2009) Over the last several decades, many industries have experienced significant structural changes that have affected their employees.

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Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)

The Human and Environmental Effects of E-Waste

(2013) Roughly 40 million metric tons of electronic waste (e-waste) are produced globally each year, and about 13 percent of that weight is recycled mostly in developing countries.

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Life on Hold: How the Coronavirus Is Affecting Young People’s Major Life Decisions

(2020)The past two decades have been tumultuous for the United States. During the first 20 years of the 21st century, the nation experienced a major terrorist attack, a housing market meltdown, a severe economic recession, a significant downturn in the stock market, and a pandemic that led to the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

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Who Votes in America?

(2000) As the presidential election draws closer, the candidates are paying attention to key demographic groups. But which groups are likely to cast votes in the presidential election?

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The Generational Divide in the U.S.

(2014) Countries around the world are paying more attention to inequality as an indicator of social and economic well-being.

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Genetics Make Quitting Difficult for Some Smokers

(2011) Today's smokers are more strongly influenced by genetic factors than in the past, and that influence makes it more difficult for them to quit, according to a new study of twins published in the December issue of the journal Demography.

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