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How to make a Population Pyramid

This lesson provides students with the background to understand the importance of age structure on population growth.

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Which Types of Disasters Are the Deadliest in the U.S.? The Answer Is Surprising

Mortality remains one of the major outcomes related to natural disasters, and a recent study on which types of disasters are the deadliest has yielded interesting results.

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Child Marriage in the Middle East and North Africa

Child marriage is a human rights violation.

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PopWire: Preschoolers With Working Moms Rely on Grandparent’s Care

(2008)There were nearly 11.3 million children younger than 5 whose mothers were employed in 2005. Of those, nearly one-third counted on regular care by a grandparent during their mother's working hours (30 percent), according to tables recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Fathers cared for one-fourth of the children.

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Marriage Benefits Men’s Health

(2010) Marriage improves health indicators and decreases the risk of certain diseases, according to a report in the Harvard Men's Health Watch based on a survey of 127,545 American adults.1 On the other hand, marital stress, divorce, and the death of a spouse have the opposite effect, particularly on men.

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Combien cela coûterait-il de couvrir les besoins en planification familiale dans les pays en développement ?

(2010) Quasiment 215 millions de femmes vivant dans des pays en voie de développement souhaiteraient éviter une grossesse mais n’utilisent pas de moyen de contraception efficace.

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Mountains: Sources of Water, Sites of Poverty and War

(2002) Why the focus on mountains? They provide fresh water for most of the urban population living in the lowlands, the Earth's greatest biodiversity, and recreation destinations.

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