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How Natural Disasters Can Influence Reproductive Health and Fertility

(2018) Natural disasters focus the collective imagination on images of community devastation. Beyond the obvious external signs of disaster, such as destroyed homes and ruined infrastructure, are more intimate impacts, such as impeded access to reproductive health services.

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Domestic Violence in Developing Countries: An Intergenerational Crisis

(2004) A new comparative study using nationally representative information on domestic violence in nine developing countries finds that women whose fathers abused their mothers are twice as likely to suffer domestic abuse themselves.

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PopWire: Younger U.S. Baby Boomers Less Likely to Divorce by 40 Than Older Boomers

(2007) The share of baby-boomer men who divorced by age 40 fell from a high of 29.2 percent of those born from 1945 to 1949 to 25.4 percent of later baby boomers born between 1960 and 1964.

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A Demographic Profile of U.S. Workers Around the Clock

(2008) The nature of work continues to change dramatically with the extension of work operations around the clock being one of the most striking alterations.

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