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PRB Discuss Online: What Do We Know About the Relationship Between HIV/AIDS and the Natural Environment?

(2010) The relationship between HIV/AIDS and the natural environment is complex and operates at many levels in countless ways. HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality may affect people's use of natural resources and the institutions that govern resources, while environmental change may affect people living with HIV/AIDS and increase susceptibility to illness and even HIV infection among certain groups, especially women and girls.

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Black Women, Gay and Bisexual Men Face High HIV Risks in U.S., Canada

(September 2001) Two decades into the AIDS epidemic in North America, the face of AIDS is darker and increasingly female.

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Evidence to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

PRB was a partner on Evidence to End FGM/C: Research to Help Girls and Women Thrive, a UKAID-funded research program to end female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) within one generation.

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Crowded Coasts Put 1 in 10 Americans at Risk for Floods, Other Hazards

Older Adults, Communities of Color, and Renters Are Especially Vulnerable

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Creating an Alternative Fuel in Uganda to Help the Environment and Empower Women

Stacked next to the ubiquitous piles of green bananas in Uganda's markets are equally ubiquitous 5-foot-tall sacks of charcoal, a major reason why this country's forests are rapidly disappearing. Charcoal and fuel wood are the energy sources for the vast majority of a population that is increasing so rapidly the forests can't possibly keep up.

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