487 Search Results Found For : "Y ویتنام{WWW,RT33,TOP}کدb77}شانس بلیزἕبالتیمور اوریولزᾦتوتو بتمنٴکازینو زنده 24☏بادوگی کم🈺فوتبال ایرلند🙅مسابقه موناکوЖگل میخ㋕.hnk"

Combatting Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors in Youth

PRB produced a global interactive database and a series of regional policy reports and data sheets that highlight the importance of taking action now to address noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors among youth.

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The U.S. Population Is Growing Older, and the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy Is Narrowing

The current growth of the population ages 65 and older is unprecedented in U.S. history and has important implications for policymakers.

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Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health

Senegal ENGAGE Presentation Focuses on Religion and Family Health

Le Sénégal s’Engage: la Religion et la Santé familiale (Senegal Engage: Religion and Family Health) is a new ENGAGE presentation that serves as an advocacy tool to connect reproductive health and family planning issues with faith-based attitudes and beliefs.

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Latinos, Whites, and the Shifting Demography of Arizona

(2010) Over the past several decades, Latinos have made up an increasing share of the U.S. population.

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Who Votes in America?

(2000) As the presidential election draws closer, the candidates are paying attention to key demographic groups. But which groups are likely to cast votes in the presidential election?

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Life on Hold: How the Coronavirus Is Affecting Young People’s Major Life Decisions

(2020)The past two decades have been tumultuous for the United States. During the first 20 years of the 21st century, the nation experienced a major terrorist attack, a housing market meltdown, a severe economic recession, a significant downturn in the stock market, and a pandemic that led to the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

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Déchiffrer la démographie du Myanmar

(2014) Le Myanmar (appelé la Birmanie jusqu’en mai 1989) revient dans l’actualité, en particulier parce qu’il a récemment fait des progrès notables pour parvenir à un régime plus démocratique.

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The Changing Demography of U.S. Flight Attendants

(2009) Over the last several decades, many industries have experienced significant structural changes that have affected their employees.

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