Healthy Mothers and Healthy Newborns: The Vital Link
(2002) The past century witnessed a revolution in health care, yet millions of women still endure the risks of pregnancy and childbirth under conditions virtually unchanged over time. Maternal complications take a serious toll on women.
(December 2002) Despite major gains in child survival in the last 25 years, more than 10 million children around the world die each year before age 5, often from diseases and conditions that are preventable or easily treated.
(2006) Still, at least one research and policy dimension remains little explored: The relationship between HIV/AIDS and the natural environment. HIV/AIDS is shaping society's impact on the natural environment in myriad ways and at many levels.
(2010) Family planning empowers women and can save their lives. It can also help reduce poverty, slow population growth, and ease pressures on the environment.
India Releases Latest Census Results, Showing Population Catching Up to China
(2011) Together, China and India account for 37 percent of the world’s population. Both countries have conducted censuses over the past year, and when they report their census results, figures such as the widely accepted world population total are at risk of changing.
(2008) Opposition to Kenya's recent election resulted in days of deadly riots. Kenya's demographic trends provide some background to the current situation, revealing both advances and continuing challenges.