(2003) With young people comprising a sizable proportion of Zimbabwe's population, government officials, health workers, and community leaders face the overwhelming task of meeting the reproductive health needs for this special group.
A careful look at the data on baby boomers dispels misconceptions about their characteristics and enables policymakers to accurately assess the potential implications of their aging and retirement for U.S. society and the economy.
An internationally recognized expert in political demography, Jennifer has worked throughout her career to educate the broader public about the importance of population trends.
(March 2008) The number of international migrants is at an all-time high. There were 191 million migrants in 2005, which means that 3 percent of the world's people left their country of birth or citizenship for a year or more.
Policy Brief: Understanding and Using Population Projections
Government policymakers and planners around the world use population projections to gauge future demand for food, water, energy, and services, and to forecast future demographic characteristics.