Social and Behavioral Change ( SBC) intervention can increase modern contraceptive use depends on existing behaviors and attitudes, the effectiveness of the intervention, and how much the intervention is scaled up.
Table: Population of States and Union Territories (UTs) of India, 2001 and 2011 and Rates of Change in the Past Three Censuses
(2011) Together, China and India account for 37 percent of the world’s population. Both countries have conducted censuses over the past year, and when they report their census results, figures such as the widely accepted world population total are at risk of changing.
(2006) Two important demographic trends have reshaped the typical person's life dramatically over the past century: Increasing longevity and the shrinking number of children per family.
Increasing population and wealth, along with changing patterns of diet and consumption, are placing unprecedented demands on the world's agriculture and natural resources.
(2016) As many as one in every five teenagers and college students will experience some type of violence in intimate relationships or be the victim of stalking. Campuses across the United States are struggling with ways to support students and to stem potential abuse.
This media brief shows journalists how population data can be used to report stories about primary health care, which touches every part of our society.