536 Search Results Found For : "climate change"
Climate Change Predicted to Affect Mortality in Rural India More Than the United States
(2009) There is near consensus among the scientific community that CO2 emissions are causing climate change, including increased temperature, precipitation, and variability in weather.
How Family Planning Could Help Slow Climate Change
(2015) In the mid-1990s, I served as a Peace Corps volunteer in a village in Niger, a West African country consistently ranked as one of the poorest in the world. I lived in a mud hut, learned a local language, made lasting friendships and did interesting work.
Are Climate Change and Sustainable Development Really Linked?
(2010) According to Karen Hardee, the gap between those working on climate change issues and those in international development needs to be bridged. The two communities have different priorities and "don't speak the same language.

Project: Evidence Project
What Contributes to Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change?
Local communities are most affected by the increased threat of adverse weather events. Addressing that threat requires nations and communities to prepare for and mitigate the effects of climate change.
Climate Change and Urban Adaptation in Developing Countries
2009) The world is facing inevitable effects of climate change at the same time that the population is increasingly concentrated in urban areas.
Climate Change and Urban Adaptation: Managing Unavoidable Health Risks in Developing Countries
(2009) On May 14, demographic and environmental experts discussed the health effects of climate change on the world's growing urban population at the symposium "Climate Change and Urban Adaptation: Managing Unavoidable Health Risks in Developing Countries."

Elements of Climate Resilience: The Foundations of a People-Centered Framework
The urgency of the climate crisis and its escalating impacts demand we respond with equal urgency to build adaptation and resilience, especially for the populations facing the worst effects.