536 Search Results Found For : "climate change"

Health Sector Reform: How It Affects Reproductive Health

Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
New Research Finds Health-Promoting Improvements Concentrated in More Advantaged U.S. Neighborhoods
Neighborhoods that are more walkable, with accessible public transportation, and amenities such as parks that promote physical and social activity are associated with better health.

Project: Empowering Evidence-Driven Advocacy
Youth Family Planning Policy Scorecard: Measuring Commitment to Effective Policy and Program Interventions
PRB’s Youth Family Planning Policy Scorecard evaluates the favorability of 28 current national policy and program environments for youth access to sexual and reproductive health services.
The U.S. Census Tradition
At the fractious Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, America's founders conceived the idea of a national census to determine the number of representatives each state would send to Congress.
Are U.S. Girls Becoming More Violent?
(2006) Adolescent U.S. girls are being arrested in record numbers. And every year brings new media attention to mean or aggressive girls' behavior—with sensational newspaper headlines and book titles such as See Jane Hit: Why Girls Are Growing More Violent and What We Can Do About It and Sugar and Spice and No Longer Nice: How We Can Stop Girls' Violence.1 Could there be an epidemic of violence in the United States among girls—who have traditionally been considered more mature and less trouble to raise than boys?

Changing Race and Ethnicity Questions on the U.S. Census Form Reflect Evolving Views
Census questions about race and ethnicity have evolved over time, as have Americans’ views about racial and ethnic identification.
‘The World Is Fat’ – A PRB Policy Seminar With Professor Barry Popkin
(2008) On Dec. 10, Barry M. Popkin, professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and director of the UNC-CH's Interdisciplinary Center for Obesity, visited PRB to discuss rising obesity worldwide and his new book, The World is Fat, published by Avery in December 2008.
PRB Discuss Online: Americans at Work, What Lies Ahead?
(2008) The aging of baby boomers and the fact that women's labor force participation has already peaked are expected to slow U.S. labor force growth in the near future.