The Fred H. Bixby Forum:The World in 2050 (Day 2 Presentations)
(2009) "The World in 2050: A Scientific Investigation of the Impact of Global Population Changes on a Divided Planet" was held in Berkeley, Calif., on Jan. 23 and 24, 2009.
(2009) "The World in 2050: A Scientific Investigation of the Impact of Global Population Changes on a Divided Planet" was held in Berkeley, Calif., on Jan. 23 and 24, 2009.
(2010) Paraguay does not seem a likely candidate for rapid fertility decline: The population is poorer, more rural, and has lower educational levels than its neighboring countries.
Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Stress and fear during coronavirus social isolation can alter gene activity in ways that affect your immune system, but doing good deeds can bolster health.
The U.S. Census Bureau aims to count each person once—and only once—in the decennial census. It does that by determining how many people live at a every residential address.
(2010) The link between marriage and childbearing has greatly weakened worldwide, evidenced by a sharp rise in births outside marriage in most developed countries.
(February 2011) The percentage of Americans who smoke tobacco has fallen dramatically over the past 50 years.
Project: American Community Survey and Decennial Census Support Services
(2014) The U.S. population is undergoing significant racial/ethnic change, with rapidly growing Latino, Asian American, and multiracial populations.
This is the fifth in a series of profiles of the people who have most influenced thinking about population over the past century. The profiles bring you the insights of contemporary population specialists on the contributions of their predecessors.