This is the fifth in a series of profiles of the people who have most influenced thinking about population over the past century. The profiles bring you the insights of contemporary population specialists on the contributions of their predecessors.
(2005) Ask about "the population problem" to people of a certain age, and the first and perhaps only thing that comes to mind is the "population bomb" or "population explosion."
Tables. 2020 Census Self-Response Rates By Risk of Undercounting Young Children, June 18-25, 2020
Self-response rates are lowest in neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities in the young child population, which could mean fewer dollars for communities that need funds the most.
View Details
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[author] => 15
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[caption] => 2020 Census Self-Response Rates by Risk of Undercounting Young Children June 18, 2020 to June 25, 2020 analysis by PRB.
[name] => prb-response-rate-summary-jun25
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Population Handbook
(6th Edition, 2011) A quick guide to population dynamics for journalists, policymakers, teachers, students, and other people interested in demographics.
View Details
[ID] => 4756
[id] => 4756
[title] => prb-population-handbook-2011-1
[filename] => prb-population-handbook-2011-1.pdf
[filesize] => 405390
[url] =>
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[author] => 15
[description] => 6th Edition, Population Handbook, A quick guide to population dynamics for journalists, policymakers, teachers, students, and other people interested in demographics.
[caption] =>
[name] => prb-population-handbook-2011-1
[status] => inherit
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[date] => 2020-11-23 22:10:50
[modified] => 2020-11-23 22:11:56
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(2009) The percent of children in poverty (19 percent based on data released on Sept. 10 by the U.S. Census Bureau) is far higher than that of the working-age population or the elderly.
PRB's Digital Visualization highlights key global demographic trends. Explore current and projected population by region and country. And look at changes in total fertility, infant mortality, and life expectancy since 1970. A U.S. "What-If" scenario focuses on the effects of race and ethnicity on child poverty, child obesity, and college degrees.
Population Bulletin Update: Immigration in America 2010
This Population Bulletin Update is a follow-up to 2006's Population Bulletin, "Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America" by Phil Martin and Elizabeth Midgley, and provides new data and analysis on the economic impacts and policy debates around immigration.