533 Search Results Found For : "climate change"

Census-Taking More Frequent, Less Controversial in Canada

(2001) As Americans wait for the detailed results of the 2000 U.S. census, Canadians are preparing for their twice-a-decade head count.

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PowerPoint Presentation. 2011 International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

(2011) Drawing on PRB's data sheet Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Data and Trends, 2010 Update, this PowerPoint presentation is designed to bring attention to and present accurate data on this practice that affects millions of women and young girls worldwide.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 16081 [id] => 16081 [title] => 02012011-fgm_powerpoint_2011 [filename] => 02012011-fgm_powerpoint_2011.ppt [filesize] => 973312 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/02012011-fgm_powerpoint_2011.ppt [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/2011-international-day-of-zero-tolerance-to-female-genital-mutilation-cutting/02012011-fgm_powerpoint_2011-2/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => [caption] => [name] => 02012011-fgm_powerpoint_2011-2 [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 16079 [date] => 2021-02-04 14:46:40 [modified] => 2021-02-04 14:46:40 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/vnd.ms-powerpoint [type] => application [subtype] => vnd.ms-powerpoint [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/interactive.png ) Download (1.0 MB)

Project: Evidence to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

Reflections From Five Years of Research on FGM/C

From 2015 to 2019, the African-led consortium developed innovative research methods and uncovered new evidence about the practice and how it is changing—focusing on families and communities, and health and legal systems—in eight countries: Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, and Sudan.

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Chronic Diseases Do Affect Youth

(2011) It may seem odd to put "youth" and "chronic diseases" in the same category. Worldwide, not many young people currently suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and lung disease, so why worry?

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Project: Strengthening Evidence-Based Policy to Expand Access to Safe Abortion (SAFE ENGAGE)

SAFE ENGAGE Policy Communications Resources

SAFE ENGAGE project supports constructive, data-driven policy dialogue, works with partners to co-create compelling, evidence-based materials, and offers training and technical support.

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Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

Today’s Research on Aging, Issue 14. Use of Biomarkers in Predicting Health and Mortality

(2008) Biomarkers—biological indicators—are increasingly employed in empirical studies of human populations to understand physiological processes that change with age, diseases whose onset appears linked to age, and the aging process itself.

View Details Array ( [ID] => 4346 [id] => 4346 [title] => TRA14-2008-biomarkers-health-mortality [filename] => TRA14-2008-biomarkers-health-mortality.pdf [filesize] => 81537 [url] => https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/TRA14-2008-biomarkers-health-mortality.pdf [link] => https://www.prb.org/resources/todays-research-on-aging-issue-14-use-of-biomarkers-in-predicting-health-and-mortality/tra14-2008-biomarkers-health-mortality/ [alt] => [author] => 15 [description] => [caption] => Today’s Research on Aging, Issue 14, September 2008 Program and Policy Implications Use of Biomarkers in Predicting Health and Mortality Biomarkers—biological indicators—are increasingly employed in empirical studies of human populations to understand physiological processes that change with age, diseases whose onset appears linked to age, and the aging process itself. The Behavioral and Social Research Program at the National Institute on Aging supports research investigat-ing the link between biological risk factors and health or mortality in the older populations. This newsletter reviews research supported by NIA and other institutions. [name] => tra14-2008-biomarkers-health-mortality [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 9035 [date] => 2020-11-17 15:37:31 [modified] => 2020-12-20 21:07:33 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => application/pdf [type] => application [subtype] => pdf [icon] => https://www.prb.org/wp-includes/images/media/document.png ) Download (0.1 MB)

Accidental Poisoning Deaths Exceed Homicides of U.S. Young Adults

(2016) Drug overdoses propelled the number of accidental poisonings above homicides as a cause of death among young adults ages 20 to 24 in the United States, according to 2014 data released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)

Off the Clock: Europeans Can Expect to Spend Over Half of Their Lives After Age 15 Providing Unpaid Care Work

Women spend more time as caregivers than men, and childless adults provide more support to their parents than those with children, studies on Europe show

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PRB Discuss Online: ‘Next Generation’ Contraceptives, Who Will Benefit and How?

(2010) What are the "next generation" contraceptives? Several innovative contraceptive methods are expected to enter the market within five years, and more are under development. What are they and who is likely to use them? How might new methods help reduce the unmet need for contraception of an estimated 200 million women worldwide?

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