536 Search Results Found For : "climate change"

2023 World Population Data Sheet Media Briefs
These two media briefs provide journalists with tools to report stories on climate change using population data to understand who it affects and how their lives are changing.

Data and Demagoguery: Human Rights and Development in the Disinformation Age
“If we're to benefit from the full power of data, we must ensure there is equity and diversity in our collection and analysis of information.” - Jeff Jordan
The Fred H. Bixby Forum: The World in 2050 (Day 1 Presentations)
"The World in 2050: A Scientific Investigation of the Impact of Global Population Changes on a Divided Planet" was held in Berkeley, Calif., on Jan. 23 and 24, 2009.
PRB Discuss Online: What Do We Know About the Relationship Between HIV/AIDS and the Natural Environment?
(2010) The relationship between HIV/AIDS and the natural environment is complex and operates at many levels in countless ways. HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality may affect people's use of natural resources and the institutions that govern resources, while environmental change may affect people living with HIV/AIDS and increase susceptibility to illness and even HIV infection among certain groups, especially women and girls.
PRB Discuss Online: Africa’s Demographic Challenges
(2012) Of the 48 least developed countries in the world, 33 are located in sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, this region stands out with the highest birth rates in the world.