535 Search Results Found For : "climate change"
Reimert T. Ravenholt, USAID’s Population Program Stalwart
(2000) This is the sixth in a series of profiles of the people who have most influenced thinking about population over the past century. The profiles bring you the insights of today's population specialists on the contributions of their predecessors and contemporaries.
Policy Brief: Population and Food Security: Africa’s Challenge (Part 2)
(2012) Almost two of every three people in sub-Saharan Africa live in a rural area, relying principally on small-scale agriculture for their livelihood. Improving agriculture on small farms is critical to reducing hunger.
Will Rising Childhood Obesity Decrease U.S. Life Expectancy?
(2005) A new study contends that rising childhood obesity rates will cut average U.S. life expectancy from birth by two to five years in the coming decades—a magnitude of decline last seen in the United States during the Great Depression.
Why Do Canadians Outlive Americans?
(2004) Over 250,000 Americans who died in 1998—roughly one of every ten U.S. deaths that year—would have survived had they been Canadian, according to a comparison of patterns of death between the two countries.
In 2011, World Population Surpasses 7 Billion
World population has surpassed 7 billion, and we are in the midst of history's most rapid population expansion.
Guidelines for Mitigating the Impacts of HIV/AIDS on Coastal Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management
Domestic Violence: An Ongoing Threat to Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
(2001) Despite laws against domestic violence, many women in Latin America and the Caribbean continue to be failed by the legal system.