Report. Predicting Tract-Level Net Undercount Risk for Young Children (2020)
Our analysis focuses on the factors that are most closely associated with the net undercount of children in the census, based on the Census Bureau’s Revised 2018 Experimental Demographic Analysis Estimates.
Our analysis focuses on the factors that are most closely associated with the net undercount of children in the census, based on the Census Bureau’s Revised 2018 Experimental Demographic Analysis Estimates.
PRB identifies factors predicting where children under age 5 are more likely to be missed in the 2020 Census and develops a new undercount risk measure for young children.
View Details
[ID] => 8791
[id] => 8791
[title] => prb-undercount-young-children-tract-2020-database_2_4_20
[filename] => prb-undercount-young-children-tract-2020-database_2_4_20.xlsx
[filesize] => 7679999
[url] =>
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[author] => 15
[description] => Data file Research Identifies New Strategies to Reduce Undercount of Young Children in U.S. 2020 Census
[caption] =>
[name] => prb-undercount-young-children-tract-2020-database_2_4_20
[status] => inherit
[uploaded_to] => 8821
[date] => 2020-12-19 23:00:42
[modified] => 2021-05-12 02:11:26
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(7.5 MB)
PRB identifies factors predicting where children under age 5 are more likely to be missed in the 2020 Census and develops a new undercount risk measure for young children.