505 Search Results Found For : "demographic dividend"
A Demographic Profile of U.S. Workers Around the Clock
(2008) The nature of work continues to change dramatically with the extension of work operations around the clock being one of the most striking alterations.
The Double Divide: Implosionists and Explosionists Endanger Progress Since Cairo
(2004) Ten years ago this summer, representatives from 179 countries, scores of international agencies, and about 1,200 nongovernmental organizations met in Cairo for the United Nations-sponsored International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), a landmark event in world population and health.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Interactive. Four Dividends: How Age Structure Change Can Benefit Development
This web feature expands the concept of the demographic dividend to project four potential sets of benefits—in addition to economic growth, it outlines benefits in child survival, education, and political stability. A country’s likelihood of making substantial gains in each of these four sectors is tied to its age structure.
$5 More Per Person Annually Could Save Millions of Mothers and Children
(2014) Recent research by a group of health systems experts details how a 2 percent increase in current spending for maternal and child health can save 147 million children, prevent 32 million stillbirths, and avert 5 million maternal deaths by 2035.
Project: Population and Poverty (PopPov) Research Network
PopPov Workshop Examines Benefit of Canning-Karra-Wilde Model in Policy Planning in Africa
(2017) Researchers from the Population and Poverty Research Network (PopPov) have developed a macroeconomic model that estimates the impact of fertility declines on economic growth. The model is especially useful in country-level policy planning.