8 Billion People: A Milestone by the Numbers
As Earth's population reaches the eight-billion milestone, we put it into context.
As Earth's population reaches the eight-billion milestone, we put it into context.
(2014) Recent research by a group of health systems experts details how a 2 percent increase in current spending for maternal and child health can save 147 million children, prevent 32 million stillbirths, and avert 5 million maternal deaths by 2035.
Project: Population and Poverty (PopPov) Research Network
(2017) Researchers from the Population and Poverty Research Network (PopPov) have developed a macroeconomic model that estimates the impact of fertility declines on economic growth. The model is especially useful in country-level policy planning.
(2004) The starkly uneven pace of population growth between most developing and industrialized nations represents the world's major demographic fault line. The Population Reference Bureau's just-released 2004 World Population Data Sheet demonstrates that nearly 99 percent of all population increase takes place in poor countries, while population size is static or declining in the rich nations.