505 Search Results Found For : "demographic dividend"
In the News: The Nigerian Census
(2006) Census taking seems a quiet affair to most people in the United States, where the head count runs relatively smoothly and is reliably decennial.
Project: Center for Public Information on Population Research (CPIPR)
Webinar: Where Is the Workforce? Understanding the U.S. Labor Shortage and Working Toward Solutions
PRB, the Critical Labor Coalition, and special guest former U.S. Secretary of Labor R. Alexander Acosta discuss the latest data behind the shrinking U.S. workforce and explore potential policy solutions.
Population Dynamics in Latin America
Population Bulletin, Vol. 58, No.1 (2003) Latin America experienced explosive population growth in the middle of the 20th century as two demographic trends converged: high birth rates and rapidly declining death rates.
World Population Highlights 2007: Overview of World Population
(2007) We entered the 20th century with a population of 1.6 billion people. We entered the 21st century with 6.1 billion people. And in 2007, world population is 6.6 billion.
Zimbabwe’s Political and Economic Problems Hinder Effective Response to AIDS
(2004) The HIV/AIDS epidemic is the dominant reproductive health issue in Zimbabwe, a country of more than 12 million people who are facing extreme economic, social, and political turmoil.
Children in Cambodia Face High Mortality Rate
(December 2002) Despite major gains in child survival in the last 25 years, more than 10 million children around the world die each year before age 5, often from diseases and conditions that are preventable or easily treated.