506 Search Results Found For : "demographic dividend"

The Dynamics of Latino Population Growth
(2010) Latinos are increasingly shaping the demographic makeup of the United States.
La démographie d’Israël : une histoire unique
(2014) Les structures et tendances démographiques d’Israël sont uniques, un reflet de l’avenir complexe de la région qu’il soit politique, culturel ou religieux.

2008 World Population Data Sheet
(2008) The demographic divide—the inequality in the population and health profiles of rich and poor countries—is widening.

Population Bulletin, vol. 56, no. 4. Elderly Americans
(2001) The United States is in the midst of a profound demographic change: the rapid aging of its population. The 2000 Census counted nearly 35 million people in the United States 65 years of age or older, about one of every eight Americans.
Florida Poised to Pass New York as Nation’s 3rd Most-Populous State
When the U.S. Census Bureau releases its 2014 state population estimates later this month, the new figures may confirm a demographic milestone: that Florida has passed New York as the third most-populous state in the United States.

PRB Discuss Online: Are Some U.S. Generations Luckier Than Others?
(2009) Unique events, political climates, and social and economic conditions shape each new generation in every society.
Latinos, Whites, and the Shifting Demography of Arizona
(2010) Over the past several decades, Latinos have made up an increasing share of the U.S. population.