(2010) The Malthus Lectureship, a partnership between the Population Reference Bureau and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), promotes the study of the connections among nutrition, food, agriculture, and population and invites an outstanding scholar or policymaker to give a presentation each year. The first Annual Malthus Lecture took place on March 3, 2010, in Washington, D.C.
(2016) In Egypt, harmful practices that violate girl's rights are hindering the country's development and ignoring the demographic significance of adolescent girls in the country.
(2003) In only 20 years, HIV/AIDS has developed into the most devastating epidemic the world has faced. Forty million individuals worldwide live with HIV/AIDS and millions more individuals, families, children, and communities affected by HIV/AIDS face multiple challenges.1 Yet while many countries continue to experience increasing HIV prevalence rates, Cambodia appears to be making progress.
Making the Connection: Population Dynamics and Climate Compatible Development
Human population influences and is influenced by climate change and deserves consideration in climate compatible development strategies. Achieving universal access to family planning throughout the world would result in fewer unintended pregnancies, improve the health and well-being of women and their families, and slow population growth—all benefits to climate compatible development.