506 Search Results Found For : "demographic dividend"

Fertility Rates in Low Birth-Rate Countries, 1996-2011
Remittances Grow Along With International Migration
(2008) It is a familiar story to millions worldwide: Strained by economic hardship, a mother or father is forced leave their community and migrate to another country for work opportunities.
Project: Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Webinar: How State Contexts Impact Population Health
In this webinar, two distinguished researchers discussed how U.S. state policies and systems can affect racial and regional inequities in health and longevity.

Tables: Fertility Rates in Low Birth-Rate Countries, 1996-2011

The False Narrative of an Africa Unscathed by COVID-19
New research finds that African countries saw infections and deaths at rates similar to countries in other regions, contradicting official reports.
China’s Concern Over Population Aging and Health
(2006) As late as 25 years ago, China was concerned it had too many children to support.
Pakistan’s Historic Floods Threaten Progress in Maternal and Child Health
At least 16 million Pakistanis have had to leave their homes because of historic monsoon rains that flooded a large swath of the country.1 The UN estimates the flooding has caused the deaths of 1,600 people, but the worst health effects are still ahead.

Project: Appalachia: Demographic and Socioeconomic Trends
Socioeconomic Levels Vary Widely in Appalachia
(2013) Appalachia's residents remain older, less educated, and less racially diverse than the United States as a whole, but those demographic and socioeconomic patterns vary widely within the region, according to The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview From the 2007-2011 American Community Survey, prepared by the Population Reference Bureau for the Appalachian Regional Commission.