Analyzing Big Data on a Shoestring Budget
Big data has opened a new world for demographers and public health scientists to explore. But is analyzing big data practical and affordable?
Big data has opened a new world for demographers and public health scientists to explore. But is analyzing big data practical and affordable?
(2010) Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is the cutting, altering, or injuring of any or all parts of the female genitalia for nonmedical purposes.
Project: Appalachia: Demographic and Socioeconomic Trends
(2013) Appalachia's residents remain older, less educated, and less racially diverse than the United States as a whole, but those demographic and socioeconomic patterns vary widely within the region, according to The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview From the 2007-2011 American Community Survey, prepared by the Population Reference Bureau for the Appalachian Regional Commission.
(2004)World population was transformed in the 20th century as technological and social changes brought steep declines in birth rates and death rates around the world. The century began with 1.6 billion people and ended with 6.1 billion, mainly because of unprecedented growth after 1960.