221 Search Results Found For : "http://ubuea.cm/?s=홈타이진주도로시마사지【카카오:ZA31】"
2010 U.S. Census Data Machine Springs Into Action
On Feb. 3, 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau released the first detailed demographic data for states and local areas from the 2010 Census. Racial and ethnic characteristics of the total and voting-age populations were released for geographic areas down to the city block level.
The Dynamics of Latino Population Growth
(2010) Latinos are increasingly shaping the demographic makeup of the United States.
PRB Discuss Online: A Call to Action, World Malaria Day 2009
(2009) Malaria threatens close to one-half of the world's population, and more than 1 million children die each year of malaria-related complications.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Myths, Misconceptions Still Discourage Use of Family Planning
Twenty-five years since the landmark International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, most countries have made great strides in increasing access to and voluntary use of family planning.
South American Transition to Low Fertility Spreads to Paraguay
(2010) Paraguay does not seem a likely candidate for rapid fertility decline: The population is poorer, more rural, and has lower educational levels than its neighboring countries.
Existing Data Show Increase in Married Same-Sex U.S. Couples
The number of married same-sex couples in the United States has increased dramatically in recent years, as reported in a recent Bulletin on U.S. family change from the Population Reference Bureau.1
PRB Discuss Online: Managing Unauthorized Migration
(2008) Unauthorized migration is a major issue in the United States and many other countries, sometimes generating intense publicity and debate.
PRB Discuss Online: The Well-Being of Older Populations
(2010) In many countries, the elderly now make up an unprecedented share of the population. This increase in the number of older people has implications for national budgets, labor force growth, and family support systems.