171 Search Results Found For : "january-anma.shop"

Sex Workers Promote AIDS Awareness in Senegal

(2000) Senegal's AIDS community turns out in force when the local women's association, called AWA, holds its board meetings. UN advisors, medical personnel, representatives from nongovernmental organizations, and the National AIDS Program come to honor the women for their frontline position in the fight against AIDS.

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PRB Discuss Online: What Is Your ‘Race’? A Question Increasingly Difficult to Answer

(2010) The concept of "race" has always been controversial, given ugly associations with slavery, the eugenics movement, and racism.

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Black Women, Gay and Bisexual Men Face High HIV Risks in U.S., Canada

(September 2001) Two decades into the AIDS epidemic in North America, the face of AIDS is darker and increasingly female.

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The U.S. Recession and the Birth Rate

(2009) Speculation has been rife in the media on the possible effect of the current recession on the U.S. birth rate. In January of this year posed this same question but now, at mid-year, unemployment is approaching 10 percent for the first time in over a quarter century, the housing "bubble" has truly burst, banks and industries that have been pillars of the economy have gone bankrupt, and consumer confidence has reached one of its lowest points in the past 50 years.

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PRB Leading the Hewlett Foundation’s PopPov Initiative

(2011) The Population and Poverty (PopPov) Research Network held its Fifth Annual Conference on Population, Reproductive Health, and Economic Development in January.

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PRB Discuss Online: Birth Defects, a Hidden Toll for Developing Countries

(2009) Each year, an estimated 9 million infants are born with a serious birth defect that may kill them or result in a lifelong disability. Such birth defects have an especially severe effect on children in developing countries.

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Population Bulletin vol 75. no.1 : An Introduction to Demography

PRB’s latest Population Bulletin provides a basic understanding of demography and demographic processes, including fertility, mortality, and migration, and their effects on the world.

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Building African Leadership on Population and Climate Change

(2010) Climate change poses one of the greatest challenges for health and development in the 21st century.

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Environmental Refugees or Economic Migrants?

(2010) As the evidence for global environmental change has accumulated over the past decade, academics, policymakers, and the media have given more attention to the issue of "environmental refugees."

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Driving Up Demand for Health Services in Latin America

(2008) Millions of people live in poverty in Latin America, and many young people often face few prospects for a bright future.

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