235 Search Results Found For : "qurohemo.blogspot.com"
8 Billion People: A Milestone by the Numbers
As Earth's population reaches the eight-billion milestone, we put it into context.
Who Cares for the Caregivers?
Policy changes could reduce the disproportionate burden of care work on American women, researchers said.
Can Drones Help Avert Contraceptive Stockouts? Maybe…
Drones might seem to be a natural solution to maintaining a more even contraceptive supply in hard-to-reach areas, but family planning supplies aren’t yet the ideal cargo.
Project: Indicators of Well-Being for California's Children
Majority of People Covered by Medicaid and Similar Programs Are Children, Older Adults, or Disabled
Medicaid provides health insurance coverage to more people than any other single program in the United States, with coverage for low-income children, adults, seniors, and those with disabilities.
Project: PACE: Policy, Advocacy, and Communication Enhanced for Population and Reproductive Health
Population Age Structure and Pathways to Inclusive, Effective Governance
Among countries with a youthful population, a window of opportunity to achieve key development goals opens across four sectors―health, education, the economy, and governance―as fertility declines and the age structure of the population gets older.