232 Search Results Found For : "quropoya.blogspot.com/"

Latinos, Whites, and the Shifting Demography of Arizona

(2010) Over the past several decades, Latinos have made up an increasing share of the U.S. population.

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Three States Account for Nearly Half of U.S. Population Growth

(2015) California, Florida, and Texas made up a combined 27 percent of the U.S. population in 2015 but accounted for 48 percent of U.S. population growth between 2014 and 2015, according to new Census Bureau estimates.

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Top 10 Countries Closing Gender Gap

Since 2006, the World Economic Forum has issued a Global Gender Gap Index to review gender-based disparities around the world and track progress in closing the gap in four areas: educational attainment, health, economic participation, and political empowerment.

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PRB Discuss Online: Managing Unauthorized Migration

(2008) Unauthorized migration is a major issue in the United States and many other countries, sometimes generating intense publicity and debate.

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Project: Empowering Evidence-Driven Advocacy

Addressing Misconceptions About Family Planning in the Philippines to Drive Change

These infographics, fact sheet, and videos products will be used to help address misinformation about contraceptive methods and convince policymakers to fund family planning services.

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Premature Births Help Explain Higher U.S. Infant Mortality Rate

(2009) The United States—one of the world's wealthiest countries—consistently has higher infant mortality rates than most other developed countries. In 2005, 29 countries had lower rates, including Cuba and Poland.

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PRB Discuss Online: Africa’s Demographic Challenges

(2012) Of the 48 least developed countries in the world, 33 are located in sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, this region stands out with the highest birth rates in the world.

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