232 Search Results Found For : "yasetuwu.blogspot.com/"

Japan’s Demographic Future

(2010) The phrase "1.57 Shock" was widely used in Japan 20 years ago in reaction to the lowest fertility rate in the country's history.

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Voucher Programs Encourage Quality Reproductive Health Services

Many women in developing countries, too poor to pay for the reproductive health services they need, use vouchers to defray the cost of care.

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Earthquake Magnifies Haiti’s Economic and Health Challenges

Even before the massive earthquake in January 2010, Haiti's nearly 10 million people ranked as the poorest in the Western Hemisphere.

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PRB Discuss Online: Combating Malaria, a First-Hand Account From Congo

(2008) The global health community is mounting an unprecedented effort against the deadly scourge of malaria.

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PRB Discuss Online: The Fight to Stop Honor Killings

(2009) "Honor Killings" claim the lives of at least 5,000 women each year in traditional societies around the world; many more women live under the fear of these attacks.

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Child Marriage in the Middle East and North Africa

Child marriage is a human rights violation.

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Small Successes, Big Ideas — Jamaica’s Adolescent Reproductive Health Focus

(2003) The successes are real, but they're small compared to the task: reaching the half-million adolescents who form some 20 percent of this island's 2.5 million population and enabling them to adopt healthier sexual lifestyles.

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