International Data
Statistics about Vietnam
- Population mid-2022 (in millions)of Population mid-2022
- 101.1
- Population mid-2022 ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 693.0
- Population mid-2035 (in millions)of Population mid-2035
- 106.7
- Population mid-2035 (in millions) ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 740.0
- Population mid-2050 (in millions)of Population mid-2050
- 110.2
- Population mid-2050 of (in millions)SOUTHEAST ASIA
- 774.0
- Births per 1,000 Populationof Births per 1,000 Population
- 15
- Births per 1,000 Population ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 15
- Deaths per 1,000 Populationof Deaths per 1,000 Population
- 6
- Deaths per 1,000 Population ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 7
- Rate of Natural Increaseof Rate of Natural Increase
- 0.9%
- Rate of Natural Increase ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 0.8%
- Infant Mortality Rateof Infant Mortality Rate
- 12
- Infant Mortality Rate ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 17
- Total Fertility Rateof Total Fertility Rate
- 2.0
- Total Fertility Rate ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 2.0
- Gross National Income per Capitaof Gross National Income per Capita
- $14,400
- Gross National Income per Capita ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- $16,120
- Percent Urbanof Percent Urban
- 39%
- Percent Urban ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 54%
- Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, All Methodsof Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, All Methods
- 73%
- Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, All Methods ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 63%
- Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methodsof Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods
- 60%
- Percent of Married Women 15-49 Using Contraception, Modern Methods ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 54%
- Percent of demand for family planning met by modern contraception among married women 15 to 49.
- 72%
- Percent of demand for family planning met by modern contraception among married women 15 to 49 SOUTHEAST ASIA
- 73%
- Percent of males ages 15 to 49 with HIV/AIDS
- N/A
- Percent of males ages 15 to 49 with HIV/AIDSSOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A
- Percent of females ages 15 to 49 with HIV/AIDS
- N/A
- Percent of females ages 15 to 49 with HIV/AIDSSOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Totalof Life Expectancy at Birth, Total
- 74
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Total ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 72
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Malesof Life Expectancy at Birth, Males
- 71
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Males ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 70
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Femalesof Life Expectancy at Birth, Females
- 76
- Life Expectancy at Birth, Females ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 75
- Percent of Population Under Age 15of Percent of Population Under Age 15
- 23%
- Percent of Population Under Age 15 ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 22%
- Percent of Population Ages 65 and Olderof Percent of Population Ages 65 and Older
- 9%
- Percent of Population Ages 65 and Older ofSOUTHEAST ASIA
- 8%
- Number of Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 Average
- N/A
- Number of Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 AverageSOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A
- Excess Deaths per 100,000 Population Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 Average
- N/A
- Excess Deaths per 100,000 Population Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 AverageSOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A
- Percent of Total Deaths Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 Average
- N/A
- Percent of Total Deaths Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2021 AverageSOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A
- Population Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19
- N/A
- Population Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19SOUTHEAST ASIA
- N/A